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Future City Competition 2016
on Jan. 16

6th, 7th & 8th Graders Design Cities

Each of the 24 teams has 3 students.  These teams come from all over Alabama.  Each team designed a future city, including an abstract of their city, essay, presentation and a model
(some shown below).
The competition was held at the US Space & Rocket Center.
This educational program gives students an opportunity
to do the things that engineers do—
  1. identify problems
  2. brainstorm ideas
  3. design solutions
  4. test, retest and build
  5. and share their results
This process is called the engineering design process.
With this at its center, Future City is an engaging way to build students’ 21st century skills.

Future City starts with a question—

how can we make the world

a better place?

The Future City Competition is a national, project-based learning experience where 6th - 8th grade students in imagine, design, and build cities of the future,
They apply math and science concepts to real-world issues.
The 1st place team in each region will advance to National Finals held in Washington, DC.
ASA was one of the Special Award Sponsors :  "Stuart Peck Sustainability Award", in memory of Al Orillion.
ASA judges were
Doug Elgin & Brandon Hunt.
Southside Middle School of Tallassee, AL won for their
"Fair Haven" entry.
Their concept included solar panels, wind turbines, rooftop gardens, algae growth for bio-fuel, and composting systems.
Congratulations !
Paul Agarwal awarded the team a check for $150.
The Future City Competition 
gives students the
opportunity to research and design a solution
to a proposed citywide
challenge each year.
This year’s challenge was
“Waste Not,
Want Not”.

2016 AL Regional Winners

1st Place
ASFL school
with “Ville Suave’"
from Huntsville, AL
2nd Place
Southside Middle school
with “Fair Haven”
from Tallassee, AL
3rd Place
Randolph school
with "Argentum Aqua"
from Huntsville, AL
Important Feb 19 Update on the National Competition
from Paul Agarwal, ASA V.P.

As a long-term Special Award sponsor of the Alabama Regional Future City Competition, I wanted ASA to share in the glory of our Alabama Regional winning school team marching up to the National Future City (FC) Competition and bringing the CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY back home to Alabama!!  This is the Alabama region’s first national championship in the 15 years we’ve participated in the FC program.


ASA’s Special Award sponsorship over the years of the Regional Future City program has helped encourage middle school teams from across Alabama to imagine, design, and model a better future – and now that support has resulted in an Alabama
team bringing home the National Future City Championship Trophy!


Huntsville’s own magnet school Academy of Science and Foreign Language (ASFL), won the following awards at this year’s event:

  • 1st Place Trophy

  • DiscoverE People’s Choice Award

  • IEEE Special Award – Best Communications System

  • DiscoverE Special Award – Best City Description (Essay)








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Green Energy Lingo coming soon

Publish Date :  08/20/19, 4 PM






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