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Calendar of ASA Events

NO Public Meeting in August

Public Meetings – Scheduled in 2019
3rd Tuesday  each month
 West End Grill   in   Madison
Greet and Eat at 5:30p  / Talk starts at 6:30p
when                      where                   who                     what                                        

Jan. 15     Tues.              West End Grill             Buckner/King          Energy Huntsville

Feb. 19    Tues.              West End Grill             John Allen

Mar. 19   Tues.              West End Grill             ???


April 16   Tues.              West End Grill             ???

April 20   Saturday     Hays Nature Preserve                              ASA Event :       Earth Day             

May 21    Tues.              West End Grill             ???

Jun 18      Tues.              West End Grill             ???

Jun  16      ???                  ASA Event                                                    Go Solar Day

July 16     Tues.               West End Grill            ???

Aug. 20    Tues.              West End Grill            ???

Sept. 17   Tues.              West End Grill            ???

Oct. 5    Saturday   ASA Event                                        Solar Tour   10a - 5p

Oct. 15     Tues.              West End Grill               ???

Nov. 19    Tues.             West End Grill            ???

Dec 17     Tues.                                                                                      Xmas Party




Public Meetings

be at

 West End Grill

(in Madison) 


as of July 2018


Stop TVA from Under Paying

for Solar Energy

Sign Petition
to TVA for FAIR Reimbursement of Green Electricity

Support Solar with

your Signature


What's the change in TVA Green Electricity ?

  • In 2018, TVA has made a huge change in the way it pays for green electricity to the little guy (you).

  • The new / 2018 TVA contract with a Green Power Provider ‘pays’ for the solar electricity at a “flat-rate”. 

  • This rate does NOT include any cost increase due to inflation (rising Electric Rate) for the entire 20 years.


What could that hurt ?

  • Over 20 years the power of inflation is staggering.

  • Forecasting inflation rates over 20 years, the impact of TOTAL Income to a solar system provider is a   decrease   of   up to   25%

  • Financially, this lowers the profitability (Annual Return on Investment) by half from 4%/yr to below 2%/yr.


Unfair “Flat Rate”
Reimbursement to Solar

Electricity Providers in the TVA Area


Please Sign 

TVA is part of our federal government-owned monopoly. 

Yea, you know, the same government that takes taxes from us to "serve" Americans.

The one that is protecting the environment.

You know the one.

Countdown to end of Federal Energy Tax Credit :


you have 4 months
as of Aug, 2019 


30% tax credit
for your new solar system will no longer be available after   the end of 2019

Schedule of Federal

Energy Tax Credit

on Residential Green Energy Systems


  • Until the end of 2019, you will recieve a 30% tax credit for you green energy (solar system, wind turbines & solar hot water heating systems) investment.  You are able to get back 30% of ALL costs associated with adding a solar system to your home by filing form 5695 with your income tax return.

  • For the year 2020, you will only recieve a 26% federal tax credit.

  • For the year 2021, you will only recieve a 22% federal tax credit.

  • For the year 2022 and forward, there will be NO MORE federal tax credit.

  • Even if you don’t have enough tax liability to claim the entire credit in one year, you can “roll over” the remaining credits into future years for as long as the tax credit is in effect.



Note:  Geothermal Heating & Cooling systems NOW qualify for a tax credt.

Calendar more on clock

~ Earth Day ~


Saturday  Apr 20

Hays Earth Day

at Hays Nature Preserve

10a - 2p



be bringing

Solar Panel demonstrations


Mother Earth

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Green Energy Lingo coming soon

Publish Date :  08/20/19, 4 PM






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