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How Big is Wind ?

5% of all electricity in the world is from wind. 

Not a big deal, you say . . .

Wind Power is a big growth industry.  It’s growing so fast. 

Many countries are meeting most of their growing electricity needs by adding wind turbines instead of power plants that burn fossil fuels. 

By the year 2030, Wind power could be supplying up to 20% of the world's electricity and avoiding over 3 billion tons of CO2 / year.

Wind power is a big deal
in the world !

truckers are transporting the blades of a large wind turbine in Asia

workers are building a large wind turbine with a crane

NOW wind turbines in the US & the
rest of the world can make electricity.


Over half of Denmark’s electricity is from wind.

European Union

in the EU, almost half of NEW electricity generation installed in 2015 was wind power.


1/3 of the wind power is in China.  In 2016, China met their growing electricity needs by adding 50% more wind turbines in 1 year !


Our wind turbines are in the mid-west of our country & California.  They get more consistent, sustained wind than Alabama.

Texas makes more electricity from wind power than any other state.

Why is Wind Power Green ?


Wind power is green energy because wind, the source, is automatically renewed by Nature.  Many countries have an unlimited supply of wind, especially if on the ocean coast.

Wind power is the cheapest green energy.

But, here in
North Alabama . . .

We don’t get enough consistent wind to profit from this green energy.

Wind Power Green Energy
- for Kids

Up until 100 years, the only way to go great distances were by boat.

There were no cars, trains or airplanes

For 7000 years,
wind has been used for work to move boats / ships. 

China started using wind to grind grain. 
Denmark & Netherlands in Europe are famous for their old windmills.

For 2000 years,
wind has been used to grind grain & pump water out of a well.

Wind and Gust sound - Nature
00:00 / 00:00

In our country’s history,
wind turbines have been used to pump water out of a well in villages and on farms that didn’t have access to electricity. 

windmill in France

windmill in Europe

windmill in Netherlands

Up until 100 years, the only way to go great distances were by boat.

There were no cars, trains or airplanes

How does Wind Power Work ?

How big is big ?
The largest wind turbine in the world is called the Vestas V164 & it is over 700 feet tall.


IF it was next to the Saturn 5 (at the Huntsville Space & Rocket Center), the turbine would be twice the heigth of the rocket.





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Green Energy Lingo coming soon

Publish Date :  08/20/19, 4 PM






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