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more on the Duties of the Officers . . .

Vice President

Responsibilities:  To attend all meetings; monitor progress of association’s goals and objectives; enforce bylaws; manage the activities of committees that report directly to the Vice President, advise and assist the President, assume President’s role in President’s absence; attend available training sessions, identify and implement services for association members, keep current with the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) services, report to membership; prepare the chapter budget along with other officers.

Qualifications:  Knowledge of basic principles of energy engineering; working knowledge of chapter bylaws, service of at least one term in another officer position; ability to delegate, public speaking ability.

Average Time Commitment:  Five hours per month.

Measure of Success:  Completion of goals, new members are recruited and retained, problems are handled in a timely manner, committees are active and growing, available to other officers and committee members, meetings are held efficiently, good team spirit.

Benefits: Gain experience in building and working with committees, play a key role in shaping association’s future, stepping stone to Association Presidency, opportunity to network on different levels, recognition, improve meeting management skills, gain experience that can be used on the job.


Responsibilities:  Attend all meetings, to preside at all meetings; monitor progress of association’s goals and objectives; enforce bylaws adopting changes as needed; appoint committees, attend training sessions, identify and implement services for association members, keep current with the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) services, prepare board meeting agendas; report to membership; serve as the association’s spokesperson; recognize achievements of members, prepare the association budget along with other officers.

Qualifications:  Knowledge of basic principles of energy engineering; working knowledge of association bylaws, service of at least one term in another officer position; ability to delegate, public speaking ability, leadership skills, ability to communicate effectively; registration as a Professional Engineer (P.E.) desirable; registration as a Certified Energy Manager (C.E.M.) desirable.

Average Time Commitment:  Six hours per month.

Measure of Success:  The chapter grows and meets objectives for outreach, staff development, and member education.

Benefits:  Gain experience in building and working with committees, improve meeting management skills, gain experience that can be used on the job.

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Responsibilities:  Attend all meetings, record and prepare minutes of board and business meetings, distribute minutes to all board members following approval by the President, maintain chapter records, work with membership chair to coordinate mailings, etc.

Qualifications:  Knowledge of Alabama Solar Association; working knowledge of chapter bylaws, good record keeping, good note taking, ability to delegate.

Average Time Commitment:  Six hours per month.

Measure of Success:  Minutes distributed in a timely manner, records are maintained, and chapter business is in order.

Benefits:  Gain experience in building and working with committees, improve meeting management skills, gain experience that can be used on the job.


Responsibilities:  Maintain financial records and reconcile discrepancies, prepare annual budget with help from other officers, prepare monthly financial statements, monitor cash flow, prepare and file IRS and other government forms.

Qualifications:  Knowledge of the Alabama Solar Association; working knowledge of Association bylaws, service of at least one term in another officer position; good with numbers, comfortable doing accounting and balancing checkbooks.

Average Time Commitment:  Eight hours per month.

Measure of Success:  Checkbook is balanced, Association has increased revenue by 15%; records are in order, all forms are filed, budget submitted, approved and met.

Benefits:  Gain experience in building and working with committees, play a key role in shaping Association’s future, opportunity to network on different levels, improve meeting management skills, gain experience that can be used on the job.

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Public Relations Director

Responsibilities:  Support ASA by advertising and promoting seminars and workshops. Enhance and improve events sponsored by ASA. Develop promotions to expand Alabama Solar Association's presence and develop campaigns to farther the goal of renewable energy in our state.

Qualifications:  Ability to utilize contacts and network to promote ASA. Public speaking ability responsible for conveying the Association ’s ideas and positions on renewable energy. Knowledge of marketing, good people skills. Excellent communications skills, strong leadership and project management required. Support program director in developing and promoting seminars and workshops.

Average Time Commitment:  Fifteen hours per month.

Measure of Success:  Increase not only the number of ASA members, but stimulate meeting attendance andexcitement over presentations. When ASA is recognized as the ‘subject matter’ expertise for renewable energy issues.

Benefits:  Networking with all members of chapter. Satisfaction of seeing ASA events recognized by the local community. Experience in building and working with committees, expand professional contact network within the community.

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Government Affairs

Responsibilities:  ???????????


Qualifications:  ?????????????


Average Time Commitment:  ???????????????


Measure of Success:  ???????????


Benefits:  ?????????????????????



Programs Director

Responsibilities:  ???????????


Qualifications:  ?????????????


Average Time Commitment:  ???????????????


Measure of Success:  ???????????


Benefits:  ?????????????????????

Technical Director

ResponsibilitiesTo provide technical advice to Alabama Solar Association members, and to review all programs for technical correctness.

Responsibilities:  Support ASA by helping to develop all seminars, webinars, and workshops; provide technical assistance to members and program directors as required. Enhance and improve events sponsored by ASA. Develop promotions to expand Alabama Solar Associations presence and develop campaigns to farther the goal of renewable energy in our state.

Qualifications:  Registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) or long-term experience in an energy-related field. Ability to analyze plans, specifications, and manufactures’’ submittals for technical correctness. Public speaking ability responsible for conveying the technical ideas and positions on renewable energy. Knowledge of engineering and renewable energy, good people skills. Excellent communications skills, strong leadership and project management required. Support program director in developing and promoting seminars and workshops.

Average Time Commitment:  Ten hours per month.

Measure of Success:  When ASA is recognized as the ‘subject matter’ expertise for renewable energy issues. in Alabama, stimulate meeting attendance and excitement over presentations.

Benefits:  Networking with all members of chapter. Satisfaction of seeing ASA events recognized by the local community. Experience in building and working with committees, expand professional contact network within the community.

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Education Director

ResponsibilitiesAttend most meetings, enhance & improve educational seminars, webinars, and chapter meetings, investigate "partnering" educational opportunities with other organizations, develop programs for the year to enhance the renewable energy profession, obtain CEU credits for meetings, conduct annual call for presentations, provide onsite assistance, work with other officers to promote events.

Qualifications:  Knowledge of renewable energy prinnciples; working knowledge of chapter bylaws, good record keeping, ability to utilize contacts and network for speakers/presenters.

Average Time Commitment:  Six hours per month.

Measure of Success:  Increase in meeting attendance, excitement over presentation, chapter members feel they have learned something.

Benefits:  Gain experience in building and working with committees, improve meeting management skills, expand professional contact network, gain experience that can be used on the job coordinating presentations.

Information Director

Responsibilities:  ??????????????


Qualifications:  ?????????????????


Average Time Commitment:  Twenty hours per month.


Measure of Success:  ???????????


Benefits:  ??????????

Newsletter and Social Media

Responsibilities:  Produce & edit newsletter, coordinate stories and production, recruit members to write articles.

Qualifications:  Knowledge of Alabama Solar Association; working knowledge of chapter bylaws, good communication skills, good writing skills, good proofreading skills, ability to delegate.

Average Time Commitment:  Ten hours per month, depending on news to be reported.

Measure of Success:  Newsletter is read by members, has significant stories. People look forward to the following month’s copy.

Benefits:  Gain experience in building and working with committees, gain experience that can be used on the job coordinating presentations.

Membership Director

Responsibilities:  Attend most meetings, identify potential members, develop membership and retention campaigns, maintain chapter mailing lists, develop surveys to assess needs of chapter members, evaluate and sign new member applications on behalf of chapter.
Qualifications:  Knowledge of the Alabama Solar Association; working knowledge of chapter bylaws, service of at least one term in another officer position; good record keeping, knowledge of marketing, good people skills.
Average Time Commitment:  Seven hours per month.
Measure of Success:  Membership increased by ten percent per year, mailing lists are accurate, retention program in place, problems are handled in a timely manner, applications are processed a timely manner, available to other officers and committee members, attend meetings.
Benefits:  Knowledge of entire membership base, networking with all members of chapter, satisfaction & recognition, gain experience that can be used on the job.

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Technical Editor

Responsibilities Attend most meetings, update and maintain web site to keep it current and interesting. Find new ways to utilize the web site for communication with members.
Qualifications:  Knowledge of Alabama Solar Association; working knowledge of chapter bylaws, familiarity with web sites. Excellent writing and editing skills as well as strong leadership and project management skills required.
Average Time Commitment:  Six hours per month.
Measure of Success


Responsibilities Attend most meetings, update and maintain web site to keep it current and interesting. Find new ways to utilize the web site for communication with members.
Qualifications:  Knowledge of Alabama Solar Association; working knowledge of chapter bylaws, familiarity with web sites. Excellent writing and editing skills as well as strong leadership and project management skills required.
Average Time Commitment:  Six hours per month.
Measure of Success:  Web site is up to date and provides useful information for Chapter members.
Benefits:  Gain experience in building web sites, gain experience that can be used on the job.

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Kid's Education Director

Responsibilities Teach Electricity & Green Energy to kids in North Alabama (especially the Madison County area).  Also teach Solar Energy to kids.  Present the "Electricity & Green Energy" PowerPoint presentation to kids.  Coordinate with teachers (schools), parents, kids organizations/clubs (Scouts, STEM, Engineering, Science, IEEE ...) , Space & Rocket Center to arrange & schedule giving the presentation in whole are part.  Use demonstrations of electricity & green energy in a classroom setting.
Qualifications:  Willing to learn the basics of electricity & the different green energies; able to explain the broad strokes of electricity & the different green energies; willing to learn about the big picture of Climate Change; learn the how & why of green energy around the world; good with kids; outreach in community. 
Average Time Commitment:  10 hours per month.
Measure of Success

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Publish Date :  08/20/19, 4 PM






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